You care about L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and its region. You have a special talent or expertise.
Maybe you know a person, a business or an association who does. You can help us discover
and reveal the talented persons and the excellent expertise possessed by the inhabitants of
the territory. One of the goals of the L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue attractiveness strategy is to discover
and promote these talents, and the special high-quality expertise of our territory.
An individual, a business, a group, an association…cooking, sports, arts and culture, public service,
economy or business, agriculture, tourism, teaching, gastronomy, training, environment or social services ...
a unique and rare trait, professional recognition, the awarding of a certification, an exploit,
result or remarkable performance, commercial references, publications or scientific cautions…etc.
By revealing the talents and expertise of L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and its territory, together we improve its attractiveness.
Fill out this form in the main log of
your ambassador’s account (you must already be registered as an ambassador).
For further discussion, please contact the Village-monde team at 04 90 38 96 88 or by email: